Wendy Fiore lives in a small town in New England with her busy family of champion swimmer daughters, her landscape architect triathlete husband, and her hyper yet loveable Samoyed. She teaches spin and yoga classes to help her build up the energy needed to keep up with her family. During the day, she teaches language arts in a school ranging from kindergarten to sixth grade. From preschoolers to middle school students, she has taught every student that each of us has a story to tell — to keep our eyes open and not miss one meaningful moment whether it is a monumental occasion (saving a baby deer from the neighbor’s ravenous dog) or the ordinary (playing jacks in the driveway with your grandmother). In her experiences of teaching, she has learned to write her own stories down, capturing all the precious, all the silly, all the quirky, and even the commonplace moments that her crazy life offers.
Wendy holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, a master’s degree in English, and a 6th year degree for a Reading and Language Arts Consultant. She develops language arts curriculums, creates professional development for teachers and principals, and coaches teachers and para-educators in the best practices for language arts instruction. She has attended Teachers College at Columbia University institutes, soaking in all that the experts such as Lucy Calkins, Ralph Fletcher, and Donald Murray have to offer in language arts, the teaching of reading and writing, staff development and school reform, and has taught Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop for twenty years.
For over twenty years. W. S. Foster Associates has provided quality in-house training programs to a wide variety of U.S. and international institutions. The courses are for entry level as well as experienced investment bankers and financial professionals. W. S. Foster Associates' role as seminar leader has greatly enhanced the judgment and analytical skills of participants from hanks, investment hanks and rating agencies. Clients include:
Standard & Poor \s
Fannie Mae
National Australia Bank
Credit Suisse First Boston
Federal Reserve Bank of NY
Merrill Lynch
Bank of England
Jack Foster, primary instructor of W. S. Foster Associates, has unique qualifications to design and lead credit seminars. Over the past 20 years, he has conducted over 200 week long Corporate and Bank Credit Rating Seminars in over 15 countries including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, I long Kong, China, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, England, France, and the U.S. He started and was Chairman of the Rating Committee at JP Morgan for five years and served at JP Morgan for 20 years (1974-1994). He was the primary instructor for Standard and Poor’s internal and external Bank and Corporate Credit analysis Seminars for eight years (1995-2003). He is a graduate of Williams College and the Harvard Business School.